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The following papers are now available for circulation. This is to be noted that these papers are available in Bangla only. The English version of these papers will be uploaded in due course: 


IFD Exclusive Paper Series

IFD Exclusive Paper Series will discuss a particular national or global problem, identify its root causes, and will offer a detailed solution. Since substantial time and efforts are needed to publish such papers, one should not expect such papers very frequently. However, if IFD receives activ e response from potential thinkers having innovative ideas, IFD might opt to publish such papers more often. These papers will be based on original ideas and the authors of these papers will be eventually regarded as "IFD Person of Ideas".


IFD Policy Paper Series

IFD Policy Paper Series will cover in-depth research on particular issue of social and economic interest and will provide policy suggestions for the concerned authority. Besides various policy related issues, these papers might also discuss the replication of some ideas, which have been implemented in other countries, but not being followed in the home country due to the lack of public awareness.


IFD Special Articles

IFD Special Articles will be almost similar to the Policy Papers, however, the difference is, these papers will focus on specific issues that directly or indirectly influence the development discourse. These papers will not provide a detailed solution of a problem, rather they will highlight an economic or social issue that needs particular attention and awareness building.


IFD Note Series

IFD Note Series has been introduced very recently in order to promote new generation prospective thinkers, who are interested to express their thoughts on various local, regional and global issues. These papers will highlight some specific issues of public interest and will draw attention on some particular aspects of development.